
Symposium of the Division of Chemical Education at the Fall Meeting of the Swiss Chemical Society (SCS), 6.9.2019, University of Zurich, Irchel

Within the framework of the Fall Meeting of the Swiss Chemical Society the Division of Chemical Education organises in coorperation with Christian Hinderling and Achim Ecker from the ZHAW Wädenswil a symposium for chemistry teachers teaching at different levels such as Sek I, Sek II, advanced technical colleges (FH) and universities. The major objective of this symposium is the dialogue between chemists working in education, research and industry and to gain insight of current topics, that might enrich future chemistry lessons and be transferred to the classrooms. In this sense we like to invite you to take part in the Future of Chemical Education 2019.


In honor of the 150 year anniversary of the periodic table (PSE) the first main focus lies on the PSE. Alan F. Williams from the University of Geneva, who acted as editor of the special issue of CHIMIA 3/2019 "Internatio­nal Year of the Periodic Table" (IYPT). He will open the symposium with his talk about "Finding Order in Nature"and deepen the topic with many examples for the classroom in his workshop about "The Chemistry in and around us"Claude Piguet (University of Geneva) will lead us into the world of "Rare Earths: the Yellow Vests of the Periodic Table".Klemens Koch(PH Bern) will demonstrate a set of experiments around the PSE. Karin Sennshows a playful approach to bring order in the elements within the classroom.

Mario Mocker from the University of Applied Science Amberg-Weiden elucidates, with focus on  Green Chemistry, how raw materials can be regained by Urban Mining. In her Workshop Judith Krautwald (ZHAW) highlights biological and chemical ways to store energy. Hansruedi Dütsch (VSN-Shop) presents with the Power to Gas - Experimenta way to demonstrate this in the classroom. Tim Grandchamp (ZHAW) uses the pairing of avocados or leavings of food industry to staining textiles with Local bioColoursSimone Heimgartner and Roger Deuber show a laboratory sequence about the "Recycling of Gold from Electronic Scrap".

"Die spinnen die Chemiker"could one think when we come to Thomas Scheibel from the chair of biomaterials at the University of Bayreuth. With him we will emerge into the focus Materials and into the world of Spiderman and the production of silk and other biomaterials and even raise with his Bionik-Workshop "Learning from Nature". Hannah Meier and her tutor Urs Leutenegger (Kanti Zug) show results from her matura work about "a new class of pigments to color concrete". The work originated in a cooperation with the ZHAW Wädenswil. The miracle of the production of living materials and tissues using a 3D-printer will be presented and demonstrated in the 3D-Bioprintingworkshop by Markus Rimann (ZHAW) and his team.

A journey to discover and manipulate molecules and discover reaction mechanisms in a virtual 3D-space will be presented by Markus Reiher(ETHZ), who introduces for this purpose "Modern Man-Machine-Interfaces"for classrooms and research labs. In the accompanying workshop these interfaces can be explored hands-on. Achim Ecker (ZHAW) propagates the 3D-Chemistry-App, that can be used as molecule building blocks at schools.

Finally Christian Hinderling (ZHAW) - possibly together with colleagues - will highlight the focus FH presenting recent results and outcomes from Research at Swiss Universities of Applied Science (FH). In the FH workshop session Lydie Moreau (FH Sion) and Véronique Breguet Mercier (FH Fribourg) first talk about "Interdisciplinary Teaching Methods Applied to Chemical Education" and how they can be transferred into praxis. Gunnar Schwarz (ETHZ) occupies himself with "Classroom Response Systems"(CRS) and illuminates how they can effective be used in classrooms and lecture halls. Peter Lienemann (ZHAW) demonstrates the use and applications of "mobile X-ray fluorescencespectrometers" and how this method can finally bring a certain order into the elementary composition of different materials.

After this full program of work we invite you for Dinner to enjoy the evening together with the speakers, the workshop leaders and your colleagues from all over Switzerland with a large drink, fine food and interesting talks.

We hope that the manifold and diversified program motivates you, not only to register yourself but also to motivate and bring along your colleagues to join the symposium "Future of Chemical Education 2019" and benefit from the talks and the various workshops.

We are looking forward to seeing you in Zurich.
With kind regards

Markus T. Müller, Kantonsschule Frauenfeld
Antonio Togni, ETH Zürich 
Achim Ecker, ZHAW Wädenswil
Christian Hinderling, ZHAW Wädenswil